Laura deShazo
Laura deShazo is a business, marketing, computer science educator, avid outdoor enthusiast, and mechanically savvy individual. She is passionate about supporting exposure to these things to her students and community. She moved to Utah in 2004 after obtaining her undergraduate degree in Business and Marketing Education from Auburn University. She began her career as an educator at Murray High School where she taught many courses including Web Development, Computer Technology, and Business Management to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students. In 2005 she obtained part-time employment for Recreation Equipment Incorporated where she had many roles, but she is most proud of teaching community education classes to women about bicycle maintenance, triathlon, and trail running.
She completed a Master’s Degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Technology and Leadership from Webster University in 2009. In 2012, she moved into a position for the Utah State Board of Education where she was a lead in implementing Computer Science and Digital Studies as a graduation requirement for all high school students in Utah. She was also the lead in the implementation of information technology industry certifications partnering with Microsoft, Adobe, and Certiport; which included training educators, administrators, and information technology leaders in the State of Utah. Utah now has over 75,000 students certified, which is a systemic shift for the labor market and placement for students after high school in high wage and in demand employment.
In 2015, Laura completed her second Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Leadership from Southern Utah University. She is a two time Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, and 26.2 mile run) Triathlon finisher. In 2014 and 2017, she and her significant other welcomed their two daughters to their family. Laura is currently an Assistant Principal at Murray High School where she is part of an incredible team to lead the faculty and student body in a 1:1 device implementation.