Women Tech Council Announces 2012 Finalists

Women Tech Awards to be held on Sept. 20

SALT LAKE CITYThe Women Tech Council (WTC) will host its Fifth Annual Women Tech Awards on Sept. 20, and will honor 15 women in the technology field. The program recognizes technology-focused women who are driving innovation, leading technology companies and are key contributors to the community. The event is presented by EnergySolutions, Ernst & Young, Stoel Rives, USTAR and MountainWest Capital Network. Finalists and award recipients will be honored at an awards luncheon. The event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at The Grand America Hotel (555 S. Main in Salt Lake City).

Over the past five years WTC has been able to […]


Award Recipients Named In Second Annual Women Tech Awards

Women Tech Council and MountainWest Capital Network Recognized Six Award Recipients Selected From Sixteen Finalists

SALTLAKECITY, Sept. 24, 2009 – Sixteen women were recognized at the second annual Women Tech Awards Ceremony, presented by Women Tech Council and MountainWest Capital Network, which recognizes technology-focused women who are driving innovation, leading technology companies, and are key contributors to the community. The sold out event was emceed by Shauna Lake of KUTV 2 news. Marguerite Hancock, Associate Director of Stanford Program on Regions of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, keynoted the event.

Six Award Recipients were announced. Award presenters from EnergySolutions, Ernst & Young, Epic Ventures, Novell, USTAR, […]

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