Interactive event will highlight the mobile phone applications business professionals may use for success

Salt Lake City—Women Tech Council (WTC), a Utah-based organization focused on technology-related women in business, is hosting its “Tech Talk” speaking seminar on July 20. The interactive event will discuss the mobile phone applications that may help professionals succeed in business. The event will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m., and will take place at Vérité (608 W. 9320 S. in Sandy). Admission is $20 for WTC members and $30 for non-members, and includes lunch.

The Tech Talk event will feature Kimberly Jones, founder of Vérité. Jones’ work focuses on digital production for sales, marketing and training communications, as well as web-based business applications. She is also Chairman of the Board for WTC and a […]


New Audio Technologies Focus of Women Tech Council’s Tech

The presentation will discuss audio devices from hearing aids to audio systems for collaborative communication

SALT LAKE CITY – Oct. 5, 2010 —The Women Tech Council (WTC), ( will hold its monthly Tech Talk lunch event on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, at Corporate Alliance. The topic for the presentation, “New Audio Technologies—From Hearing Aids to Headphones,” hosted by TraskBritt, will be presented by Kathy Landon, Vice President of Products and Marketing at Sonic Innovations, and Kristin Rector, Director of Marketing Communications at Listen Technologies.

The presentations will discuss up-to-date audio devices, from hearing aids for the disabled to audio systems that bridge multiple audio […]


Women Tech Council’s Tech Talk Focuses on Personalized Healthcare

The presentation will discuss how companies are personalizing medicine by tailoring drugs and treatments to patients’ individual chemistry

SALT LAKE CITY – July 29, 2010The Women Tech Council (WTC), ( will hold its monthly Tech Talk lunch event on Friday, August 20, 2010, at the University of Utah Health Sciences Education Building. The topic for the presentation, “Personalized Medicine,” will be presented by Elaine Lyon, Ph.D., of ARUP Labs and Kenneth G. Chahine, Ph.D., J.D. of the University of Utah. Their presentation will focus on how companies are tailoring drugs and treatments to match patients’ own individual chemistry.

“Both Dr. Lyon and Dr. […]


Women Tech Council’s Tech Talk Lunch at BioInnovations Gateway

Lunch event hosted by BioInnovations Gateway Executive Director, Suzanne Winters will introduces programs currently available, followed by a tour of the facility

SALT LAKE CITY – March 4, 2010 —The Women Tech Council (WTC), ( will hold its monthly Tech Talk event on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 from 12:00 – 1:30 p.m., with Suzanne Winters, P.h.D., executive director of BioInnovations Gateway (BiG), as presenter and host. The topic for the lunch presentation will be “A New Model for Life Science Business Incubation.” WTC members and non-members are invited to attend.

The event will take place at the BiG facility located at 2500 […]

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